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Papers currently in preparation

  • Pearson, M.L., Cotton, J.M., Smiley, T.M., *Loza, E., Thomsen, S.K., Terry, R.C. Stable carbon isotopes in deer mice track urbanization and environmental change in Southern California over the past 100 years. In prep.


  • Chritz, K.L., Chisdock, C., France, C., Cotton, J.M., Agwanda, B., Young, H., Potts, R., Helgen, K.M. Diets of historical herbivores indicate a century of environmental and behavioral change in Kenya. In prep


  • Powell, R.L., Griffith, D.M., Fermin, S.M., Cotton, J.M., Still, C.J., grassmapr, an R package to predict C3/C4 grass distributions and model terrestrial δ13C isoscapes. In prep


Papers currently under peer review

  • Raigemborn, M.S., Lizzoli, S., Hyland, E.G., Cotton, J.M., Gomez Peral, L.E., Beilinson, E., Krause, M. A paleopedological approach to understanding Eocene environmental conditions in southern Patagonia, Argentina. In Review, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology



Peer-reviewed publications 

  • Suh, Y.-J., Diefendorf, A.J., Bowen, G.J., Cotton, J.M., Ju, S.-J. 2019. Plant wax integration and transport from the Mississippi River Basin to the Gulf of Mexico inferred from GIS-enabled isoscapes and mixing models. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 257, 131-149


  • Still, C.J., Cotton, J.M., Griffith, D.M, 2018. Earth system models do not accurately predict distributions of C4 grass functional types in North America: a comparison from the glacial era to the end of this century. Global Ecology and Biogeography DOI: 10.1111/geb.12830


  • Smiley, T.M., Hyland, E.G., Cotton, J.M., Reynolds, R.E., 2018. Evidence of early C4 grasses, habitat heterogeneity, and faunal response during the Miocene Climatic Optimum in the Mojave Region. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 490, 415 – 430.


  • Griffith, D.M., Cotton, J.M., Powell, R.L., Sheldon, N.D., Still, C.J., 2017. Multi-century stasis in C4 grass distribution across the contiguous United States since the industrial revolution. Journal of Biogeography 44, 2564-2574 doi: 10.1111/jbi.13061


  • Hyland, E.G., Sheldon, N.D. and Cotton J.M., 2017. Constraining the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum: a terrestrial interhemispheric comparison. Geological Society of America Bulletin 129, 244-252 doi: 10.1130/B31491.1


  • Cotton, J.M., Cerling, T.E., Hoppe, K.A., Mosier, T.M. and Still, C.J., 2016. Climate, CO2 and the history of North American grasses since the Last Glacial Maximum. Science Advances 2, e1501346 doi: 10.1126/sciadv.1501346


  • Smiley, T.M., Cotton, J.M., Cerling, T.E. and Badgley, C.E., 2016. Small mammal isotope ecology tracks climate and vegetation gradients across western North America. OIKOS 125, 1100-1109 doi: 10.1111/oik.02722


  • Cotton, J.M., Sheldon, N.D., Hren, M.T. and Gallagher, T.M., 2015. Positive feedback drives carbon release from soils to atmosphere during Paleocene/Eocene warming. American Journal of Science 315, 337-361. doi: 10.2475/04.2015.03


  • Hyland, E.G., Sheldon, N.D. and Cotton J.M., 2015. Terrestrial evidence for a two-stage mid- Paleocene biotic event (MPBE). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 417, 371- 378. doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2014.09.031


  • Cotton, J.M., Hyland, E.G., and Sheldon, N.D., 2014. Multi-proxy evidence for tectonic control on the expansion of C4 grasses in northwest Argentina. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 395, 41-50. doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2014.03.014


  • Cotton, J.M., Jeffery, M.L., and Sheldon, N.D., 2013. Climate controls on soil-respired CO2 in the United States: Implications for 21st century chemical weathering rates in temperate and arid ecosystems. Chemical Geology 358, 37-45 doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2013.08.048


  • Cotton, J.M. and Sheldon, N.D., 2013. Using stable isotopes to teach about sustainable agriculture through active learning. Journal of Geoscience Education 61, 59–67. doi: 10.5408/12- 309.1


  • Cotton J.M. and Sheldon N.D. 2012. New constraints on using paleosols to reconstruct atmospheric pCO2. Geological Society of America Bulletin 124, 1411–1423. doi: 10.1130/B30607.1


  • Cotton, J.M., Sheldon, N.D. and Strömberg, C.A.E. 2012. High resolution isotopic record of C4 photosynthesis of a Miocene grassland. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 337–338, 88-98. doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2012.03.035


Dr. Jennifer M. Cotton

PI and Associate Professor


Department of Geological Sciences

California State University, Northridge

18111 Nordhoff Street MD: 8266

Northridge, CA 91330



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